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Rebecca Lauderdale

Rebecca Lauderdale Profile Photo

Physician, Podcaster, Mom and Friend

Dr. Rebecca Lauderdale is a board-certified Internal Medicine specialist who practices primary care for medically-complex adults in South Mississippi. Her podcast, Women Physicians Flourish, was born from her own experience of burnout and subsequent study of human flourishing. Her newest project is also a podcast, called Belonging In The South: A Guide For Misfits, with a mission to help Southerners find belonging and community while remaining who they truly are. Dr. Lauderdale is also a member of the board of directors at Hattiesburg Clinic, one of the largest physician-owned and governed practices in the country and works on issues of physician wellbeing there.

April 10, 2023

Self Value and Belonging with Dr. Rebecca Lauderdale

It has been claimed that true belonging only happens when we present our authentic and imperfect selves to the world. Our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance. As social creatures, we have a fundamental …

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