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Dr. Shaina Holman

Dr. Shaina Holman Profile Photo

Dr. Holman graduated from East Chapel Hill High School where she also met her husband. Her passion for science, teaching, and art was on clear display early in her life. During high school she was able to do research at Duke University, resulting in her first publication in a peer-reviewed journal! Since then, she’s been fortunate to publish over a dozen peer-reviewed research articles.

She went on to graduate with distinction from Duke University with a degree Biological Anthropology and Anatomy. Her passion for dentistry began during college while doing a project for her Ethnobiology class in Costa Rica. She saw how dentistry combined her love for people and her love of science, research, art, and community impact.

Aug. 8, 2022

There’s No “I” in Team: Accepting One Another’s Uniqueness with Dr. S…

Have you ever experienced being an outcast? How do you handle the diversity around you? A great quote says, "Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness." The world is full of various things. …

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