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Feb. 19, 2024

Game Planning For Success with Esaias Guthrie

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We all are blessed with minds to envision the future we want.  Without a  doubt, we can be the person we want to be. However, it's the actions we take today that pave the way to that...

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We all are blessed with minds to envision the future we want.  Without a  doubt, we can be the person we want to be. However, it's the actions we take today that pave the way to that envisioned future. Taking the first step isn’t always easy, but it's often the most crucial.  When it involves stepping into unknown territory like entrepreneurship, the task can be  especially difficult. 


Hence, we must be reminded that starting small and learning as you go can lead to significant success. Each step we take, no matter how small, moves us closer to our goals. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the vastness of the task ahead, but by breaking it down into smaller, manageable steps, we can make progress. It's about embracing the journey, learning from setbacks, and continually pushing forward. 


Esaias Guthrie is an athlete, entrepreneur, and a graduate of Jackson State University who is now returning to further his education in the master's program. Guthrie made a name for himself during the 2021 season in which he led the MEAC in interceptions (4) and ranked third in passes defended (9). Earlier this year, Esaias announced that he is starting a group home business for the community.   He loves to help those in need of assisted living in Jackson and surrounding areas. It is called “Guthrie Haven Homes.” 


In this episode with Esaias Guthrie, we will discover the unique journey of a student-athlete turned entrepreneur, and how his experiences on the field have shaped his approach to business and leadership. Our conversation touches on his lesson about time management, prioritization, and skill development and how he has applied these skills to his venture, Guth Haven Homes. Buckle up as we learn how to get started in the world of entrepreneurship and make a positive impact in our communities.


"Getting started now is the best thing because plans, sometimes they just die, and so just jumping in and figuring out for yourself is the best teacher." – Esaias Guthrie


Topics Covered:

(00:00:34) Introducing our special guest, Esaias Guthrie.

(00:02:38) Background of Esaias’ sports involvement

(00:04:14) How do the skills of a student-athlete help him in the workforce? 

(00:06:54) Venturing into entrepreneurship

(00:08:00) What is Guth Haven Homes?

(00:10:29) How can people support Guth Haven Homes?

(00:11:20) Advertisement: Are you prepared for life's unexpected challenges? Dr. Stephanie Pearson and her team of skilled advisors at Pearson Ravitz are here to help you guard your most valuable asset. Visit

(00:13:56) A hundred percent support

(00:14:45) What community partnerships are you looking for?

(00:17:21) Final TimeOut with Esaias: Why is it important to get started now? 

(00:19:35) Where to connect with Esaias Guthrie? 


Key Takeaways: 


"There are a lot of ties that I had to go through with medical school and becoming a physician because you have to give up a lot of things that most students do. You have to focus." – Dr. Derrick Burgess


"I really don't think people appreciate the amount of work and commitment that it takes to be a student athlete." – Dr. Derrick Burgess


"You can read books; you can study for years and years and years but the only way to truly learn is to get started." – Dr. Derrick Burgess


"You have to plan for yourself, keep your head down, and keep moving forward. It's for you to tease out if it's just extraneous noise and people are trying to distract you from your plan and from your calling. If not, just keep moving forward." – Esaias Guthrie


"Don't be afraid to learn and fail because one failure for you can maybe a success for someone else." – Esaias Guthrie


Connect with Esaias Guthrie:






Connect with Dr. Derrick Burgess:








This episode of TimeOut with the SportsDr. is produced by Podcast VAs Philippines - the team that helps podcasters effectively launch and manage their podcasts, so we don't have to. Record, share, and repeat! Podcast VAs PH gives me back my time so I can focus on the core functions of my business. Need expert help with your podcast? Go to

Esaias Guthrie Profile Photo

Esaias Guthrie

Esaias Guthrie is an athlete, entrepreneur, and a graduate of Jackson State University who is now returning to further his education in the master's program. Guthrie made a name for himself during the 2021 season in which he led the MEAC in interceptions (4) and ranked third in passes defended (9). Earlier this year, Esaias announced that he is starting a group home business for the community. He loves to help those in need of assisted living in Jackson and surrounding areas. It is called “Guthrie Haven Homes.”

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